The Saskatoon Anti-Poverty Coalition (SAPC) is a group of concerned persons and organizations who are dedicated to addressing the causes and effects of poverty.
SAPC meets the first Wednesday of every month from 1 pm to 3. The next meeting of the Saskatoon Anti-Poverty Coalition will be held on October 5th , 2011.
Location is the meeting room of St. Paul's Hospital Cafeteria. Everyone is welcome.
For more information about our group, call our office at 955-5095 or email

Friday, 9 September 2011

Photo Voice Conclusion

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” (Dr. Wayne Dyer)
Nadia, 2006

The reality is—I am disabled. I am a woman. I live in poverty, my voice is not heard. The truth is—my spirit has risen above this.

There are times, though, when people or situations come along to remind me of what I am and try to put me back in my place.

You cannot understand how I feel by studying books, by taking courses. You can only understand how I feel by crawling into my skin and living my life.

You Have to Be Strong
Mary Jane*, 2006

The concrete fence is about the strength people have to have living on assistance. You have to be strong in order to fight for justice. In order to be on welfare, you have to be strong. It’s surprising how strong you have to be, cause if you’re not, you’ll go under.

Happy Times
Moe S.*, 2006

I have come from a lot of different places behind me and I try to live every moment as much as I can. This is one of my happy times. The school is a real important place in our family. It really brought us home. And our events are so much like a family get-together. It is really important to me to have that.

“Don’t let go of hope. Hope gives you the strength to keep going when you feel like giving up.”
Nadia, 2006

I hate winter. It’s cold, it’s dreary, it’s colourless, it isolates me. And yet, sometimes, it presents such a day of undeniable beauty. I look for these kinds of days in my life. I hang onto them. They keep me going through my winter.

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