The Saskatoon Anti-Poverty Coalition (SAPC) is a group of concerned persons and organizations who are dedicated to addressing the causes and effects of poverty.
SAPC meets the first Wednesday of every month from 1 pm to 3. The next meeting of the Saskatoon Anti-Poverty Coalition will be held on October 5th , 2011.
Location is the meeting room of St. Paul's Hospital Cafeteria. Everyone is welcome.
For more information about our group, call our office at 955-5095 or email

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Photo Voice IX

A Black Mould
Dawn McGraw*, 2006

I have black mould in my basement. I have tried to clean it regularly with bleach. It keeps coming back; it’s spreading. I have told them this is not healthy for my children. I have a very damp basement so I am not surprised. My house is very old. My landlord takes forever to come in and fix things—things that are a danger and put my children at risk.

My Journey
Virginia Beebe, 2006

This is like a path, a journey—the journey I have been on since I became a teen parent. Always searching for ways to break out of that box, break out of that system, and to be who I was inside and not what everyone would tell me I was. 

Self Portrait
Virginia Beebe, 2006

I am in a transition period. I am going to convocate from university soon. I do not believe I could be sitting here today without the support network that I experienced at my high school, Nutana Collegiate. They approached with a wraparound philosophy to give every opportunity to that child to open that door, and to support them when they walk through that door. They have been key to my story.

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